Check-ups & Cleanings

Proper oral care makes your teeth last a lifetime!

At the Hazeldean Family Dental Centre –your Kanata dentist- we strongly believe in preventive dentistry. Proper care of your mouth and teeth can prevent pain and more extensive, costly treatments in the future. We encourage our patients to visit our Kanata dental office for dental hygiene and check-up visits regularly. During these visits, we perform the following:

An extensive oral check-up with a preventive approach

Our dedicated dental professionals perform a thorough examination of your mouth, gums, teeth, tongue, lips, throat and cheeks, making sure there are no abnormalities or signs of disease. We review your medical and dental history and record any findings in your chart. If necessary, x-rays are also part of the examination, to make sure that there are no hidden signs of disease. We will discuss our findings with you and take the appropriate measures to fix the dental problem, treat the disease and prevent their occurrence in the future.

Professional dental cleaning

Good oral hygiene is essential for a healthy mouth and a beautiful smile. Oral hygiene is not just
limited to daily teeth brushing. Your oral hygiene routine should include brushing, at least twice a
day, flossing daily and professional cleanings once every 3-9 months. Some people develop
plaque and tartar more quickly than others, which makes them in need of more frequent
professional cleaning sessions. Our experienced dental hygienists perform a thorough cleaning
and removal of accumulated plaque and tartar from your teeth and under you gum line. If left
un-removed, these will continue to accumulate, causing gum disease, which can lead to serious
dental problems, like tooth loss.

Booking your Kanata dentist appointment has never been easier!

If you’re an existing patient looking to book your next appointment, call us at (613) 836-5969 or use the online form on the side to request an appointment!

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CALL: 613-836-5969